Talk and Draw Personalized Books |
Young children may not be able to form their letters yet, but they are able to talk and draw. All they need are family members to help them write a personalized book. Children like to talk about themselves and be the complete focus of an adult’s attention.
Gather some computer paper, pencils, crayons, and markers. Explain that you are going to make a little book together to share with others to read on the next Face time with a loved one, a gift, or a book to add to the book box.
Talk Together
The first step to writing is talking. You can talk together and take some notes for the sentence you will write for them in their words.
The topic is all about me, but there are many sentence
Stories About Your Pets Are Fun |
starters to help approach the topic: I am happy when… My favorite (inside or outside) things to do are … These are the things I can do (jump, run, pet my dog, sing, tell a story, set the table, ride my trike, cuddle, hug, smile, play a game, draw, throw a ball … Let me tell you about (child’s name) .... Take out a mirror or take a picture to help them describe their hair, eyes, smile, teeth or missing teeth, busy fingers, wiggly toes, favorite clothing.
Virtues are always good book starters: I am thankful for… I am kind when I… I show respect when I… I help when I... I show love when I... I am helpful when….
Family Teaching
The topic may be something the family is teaching right now like self-control: I am kind to my brother when I… When I am angry I can…I am courteous when…I am prayerful when I… I help stay healthy when I….
They can write about favorite foods, animals, places to go, colors and things to do in every season. Children can also write about the healthy habits and foods they know are good for them.
After talking, take out three pieces of paper and fold them in half to make a small book. Together choose a few sentences to write as a captions for their illustrations.
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Finish Off Your Writings Into a Book |
Talk about what they would like to draw for each sentence. They can draw illustrations on separate pieces of paper that can be cut out and glued in the book. Draw with them. You can show how to draw stick people and add features and clothes. Give a little help only if they are stuck. When finished add a cover, date, and staple together. You can reinforce the binding with packaging tape over the staples. Some pages can remain empty for another writing time together.
Photos: Fran Darling, fdarling fotos
For more ideas see and Through the Seasons live Tuesdays and Saturdays, and pod casts, Pinterest, and Facebook.