Thursday, January 17, 2013

Change Activities Without a Fuss

Setting time limits with a timer helps them go from one activity to the next. They learn a sequence of activity, stop, and change to a new activity without a fuss. Even more importantly, giving children undivided time is very important. Choose an activity like playing with play dough which builds fine motor skills and imagination. All the while you are preparing young children for preschool and still getting some work done around the house. 
Listen to this activity online at the WNMU Podcasts 

kitchen timer,  play dough,  kitchen drawer items

What to do: 
1. Choose a timer.
2. Choose an activity like making play dough. Set the timer for one hour and give your children 100% of your attention. Explain what you are going to do and play together until the timer rings.
3. Make the recipe to the right. With help, children can measure the ingredients, stir, and choose food coloring. Let the dough cool and knead it well.
4. While the dough cools in the refrigerator, collect a container of play dough toys: cookie cutters, measuring cups, spoons, plastic silverware, a cookie sheet to work on, muffin tin, and plates for serving pretend food. Find trucks to cart away play dough food and other materials to the grocery store in a play dough city you construct. Leave time to play.
5. Five minutes before the timer rings, remind children the timer will ring shortly and that means your playtime together is finished. When the timer rings, remind them they may continue playing while you do some work around the house.
6. Set the timer for the amount of time you need. Children may want to play with puzzles or art supplies instead of play dough. When the timer rings, it’s time to change the activity. They have been playing quietly so it’s time to run around and be active. (See large motor activities.)

How will this help my children?
Setting time limits with a timer helps them go from one activity to the next. They learn a sequence of activity, stop, and change to a new activity without a fuss. Playing with play dough builds fine motor skills and imagination.

1cup flour
1⁄2 cup salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon cooking oil
1 cup water food coloring
Mix all ingredients together in a 3 qt. saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat until mixture begins to stick together. Remove from heat. Cool slightly. Begin kneading. Store in plastic bags.

Illustration: Mark Nowicki
For more fall activities to help your children succeed in school and have a life time of learning see the authors’ book Learning Through the Seasons in museums, bookstores, and in E-book form

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