Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Developmental Milestones for Ages 12-24 Months

Exploring, Learning, Communicating
The second year of life is a delightful time for children and those who care for them.  And what a busy time it is! Every moment is filled with exploring, learning, and developing communication skills. Children have passed through infancy and are ready to take on the world!
Families will notice growth and changes in children’s physical, mental, emotional, social and language development during the second year of life. There are certain developmental milestones that are typically achieved at this time.
Moving Around
  Children at this age are learning how to use their
large muscles to move their whole bodies and smaller muscles for moving little things.  At 12 months most children can sit up by themselves, crawl on their hands and knees, pull themselves to a standing position, and move around, holding on to furniture.  By 24 months, they can stand alone, walk, and begin to walk up stairs. 
Safety will be a big concern every minute.
Learning to Use Large Muscles
  One year olds typically can drink from a sippy cup, or a regular cup with help.  They pick up small food items by using their thumb and one finger.  They like to put things into containers and take them out again and to scribble with a fat crayon or marker. Give them many opportunities.
  Children between 12 and 24 months are learning to explore, discover, and interact with their environment.  They can follow directions like pointing to body parts or blowing a kiss.  They engage in pretend play such as feeding a stuffed animal.  They respond to familiar songs and stories and can relate a spoken word with a picture in a book.  They start to test cause and effect as when an object is dropped on the floor.

Will someone pick it up and play the game?
Language Grows
  Language skills at this age include

making sounds like talking (babbling), understanding what is said, and communicating wants and needs through words and/or pointing.  They can recognize family members’ names and words for everyday items and begin to say them.  They also understand directions such as ‘Stop”.
  Most one year olds show affection to familiar people and may become anxious with new people.  They smile and laugh with other people or cry when someone is upset.  They show frustration through mild temper tantrums.
Spend time with your children talking, reading, singing, playing, going for walks,
Communicating Through Pointing
pointing out and naming new things in their environment. These are all ways to encourage the natural development of age-appropriate milestones.
It is important to note children grow and develop at their own rates.  Some achieve these milestones earlier and some later.  However, families should not hesitate to consult with their physician if a child is missing many of these milestones.
Photos - Wikimedia: Play_Walter_de_Maria …
Red_headed toddler -
Steven H. Keys and

More Ideas and Activities....See the authors’ book “Learning Through the Seasons” at area bookstores and For more help to prepare young children for success in school see the authors’ web site: Also check our audio Podcasts WNMU Radio, 90Youtube video activities; and join us on Pinterest

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