On the Reading Path
How do we get children on this path? We can read to children daily. Cuddle up
together to associate comfort with reading. Make a fort with blankets and
chairs, climb in with a few snacks, a flashlight, and read. Read before naps and bedtime or after a scrape. Give children an LED flashlight to help read
under the bed covers. Read together when children are out of sorts. Show children
that you find comfort, knowledge, joy, and refreshment while reading a variety
of materials.
Take children to the library at least once a
week. Libraries have a wealth of materials and programs. Check out a wagon full
of books.
In Toni Morrison’s new children’s book,
“Please, Louise” she writes about a little girl who could be Maya Angelou.
A little child looks out the window on a sad
colorless day. The child dresses up in yellow rain gear and heads out somewhere
with a little red wagon and a determined look.
She hurries past a man sitting on a curb, passes a frightening dog, an
old rundown house, and an empty yard full of junk. A black crow cowers

The next few pages show her imagination. Pages
are filled with rainbows and pictures of adventures.
When she leaves, her wagon and arms are
filled with books. Her world is not so scary. The dog is brown now and
friendly. Her neighborhood is not as frightening, and the sun is shining while
she reads to a dog on her porch.
Idealistic, perhaps, but it is not if you
have seen a child’s face who has discovered reading and has a nose in a book.
Photos: Maya Angelou Visits:York College http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Maya_Angelou_visits_YCP!_2413_-_crop.jpg
Storytime: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/11/Story_Time.jpg daveparker at http://flickr.com/photos/92155448@N00/1299391810
Storytime: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/11/Story_Time.jpg daveparker at http://flickr.com/photos/92155448@N00/1299391810
Hall, Donna. ddc599.jpg. May 2008. Pics4Learning. 14 Jan 2013 http://pics.tech4learning.com
For more information to help children become
readers see grandparentsteachtoo.org and listen to pod casts at wnmufm.org
“Learning Through the Seasons” and live broadcasts Tuesdays 4:30 pm and
Saturdays 8:35 am EST.
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