Sunday, February 23, 2014

Drumming Helps Children Learn

 Lub -Dub, Lub -Dub, boom-da-da- boom. Young children are drawn to drumming sounds and love to move with the beats found in every culture. Just observe young children at Pow-wows, band concerts, weddings, and parades. Drums are also a fun learning tool. 
Materials Needed:
Purchased drums, homemade drums, and drumsticks
What To Do:
   To make your own drum sets help children gather cardboard, plastic, wooden, tin containers of different sizes and shapes. Include a discussion that walls and furniture are NOT drums.
   Large boxes are great big bass drums.  They can be held upright or placed flat on the floor for a deep warm sound.  Stay away from high-pitched sounding pots and pans, but include one pizza pan for a realistic cymbal.
   Wooden spoons and chopsticks make excellent drumsticks. Music stores also have inexpensive ones. If desired, muffle sounds by wrapping cloth secured with string around the tips. Children can also just use their hands.
  Use the different sizes, shapes, and materials to explain that large containers make a deep sound and small ones make a higher sound.  Drums, like all other musical instruments, produce sound by vibrating air molecules. These air molecules push together and pull apart until the sound finally reaches the ear. Air molecules have more space and move slower in a large drum chamber. Slower movement creates a deeper sound. Place your children’s hands on a container while you drum.  They can feel the vibration.
  To avoid a crazy riot of banging, drum with your children. Teach them to follow a beat so later they can make their own. Can they imitate different rhythms you make?  Can they beat fast, slowly, loudly and softly?  Can they drum to songs like “Little Drummer Boy” that has a soft steady beat? Familiar songs like “Old MacDonald” and “Itsy Bitsy Spider” have varied rhythms. Create a drumming circle so adults and children can drum together, take turns, and imitate each other.
  “You Tube” is filled with college and high school marching bands, drum circles, and Pow-Wow’s to inspire drumming and dancing.
What Else Can We Do?
  Include drumsticks on your next neighborhood walk and explore the different sounds children can make drumming on trees, pipes, and rocks. Take children to  live performances where they can experience the power of percussion. Liven up a dreary day by marching around your house to the music of a college band playing fight songs.
How Does This Help My Child?
   Drumming, like other kinds of music, helps children focus, relieves stress, elevates moods, improves listening skills, increases coordination, and provides exercise. 
Find Out More
For more ways to encourage music and expend energy on long winter days see the authors’ book “Learning Through the Seasons” at area bookstores and For more help to prepare young children for success in school see the authors’ web site
Also check our audio Podcasts WNMU Radio 90Youtube video activities; and join us on Pinterest.

Photos: DSC_0028,_who_attends_the_Saint_Francis_Xavier_School_for_Children_with_Special_Needs,_plays_a_drum_during_a_concert_held_by_the_U.S._Seventh_Fleet_Band.jpg

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